For both Sunni and Shia Muslims, understanding the fundamental Islamic principles and rulings is essential for practicing their faith correctly.

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website):For both Sunni and Shia Muslims, understanding the fundamental Islamic principles and rulings is essential for practicing their faith correctly. Here’s a breakdown of the necessary topics, categorized for both Sunni and Shia Muslims:

Sunni Muslims:

1. Five Pillars of Islam:

Shahada (Declaration of Faith)

Salat (Prayer)

Sawm (Fasting during Ramadan)

Zakat (Charity)

Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)

2. Ritual Prayers (Salat):

Importance of daily prayers and their timings

How to perform ablution (Wudu) and its significance

Detailed steps of performing each of the five daily prayers

3. Fasting (Sawm) during Ramadan:

Rules and regulations of fasting

Exceptions for those who are exempted from fasting

Etiquette and behaviors while fasting Night prayers during Ramadan (Taraweeh)

4. Charity (Zakat):

Calculation and distribution of Zakat

Categories of people eligible to receive Zakat Role of Zakat

in purifying wealth and helping the needy

5. Hajj and Umrah:

Steps and rituals of performing Hajj and Umrah

The significance of Hajj and its spiritual benefits

Shia Muslims:

1. Five Pillars of Islam (Similar to Sunni Muslims):

Shahada, Salat, Sawm, Zakat, Hajj

2. Ritual Prayers (Salat):

Similar to Sunni practices with some variations in postures and recitations

Differences in the number of units (Rak’ahs) for certain prayers

3. Fasting (Sawm) during Ramadan:

Similar fasting rules as Sunni Muslims with variations in some practices

Night prayers during Ramadan (Qiyam al-Layl or Tahajjud)

4. Charity (Khums and Zakat):

Besides Zakat, Shia Muslims also observe Khums, a form of obligatory charity

Distinct categories for Khums distribution

5. Mourning Practices and Commemorations:

Commemorating the martyrdom of Imam Hussain in the month of Muharram

Different mourning rituals, including processions and gatherings

6. Beliefs and Practices:

Emphasis on the concept of Imams as spiritual leaders and interpreters of the Quran

Celebrating significant events in the lives of the Imams

Both Sunni and Shia Muslims share common principles and beliefs while also having distinct practices and interpretations. It’s important for Muslims to seek knowledge from reliable sources and scholars to ensure they are correctly following the teachings of Islam according to their respective sects.

Source: rahyafteha