Reminding People of Divine Blessings in Story of Moses

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website):Reminding people of the blessings they have been given is an effective educational method that God and divine prophets have used extensively in educating people.

If people are not reminded of God and the blessings He has given them, they may fall into the path of sins. Sin originates in negligence and what removes negligence is constantly reminding. Thus, reminding plays an important role in education, so much so that is referred to as the goal of worshipping.

Moreover, reminding people of the blessings given to them will strengthen the love for God and help them better understand God’s greatness and power.

According to the verses of the Holy Quran, Prophet Moses (AS) on various occasions reminded his people of divine blessings in order to foster the inclination to truth that is inherent in all human beings. Here are two examples:

Holding Debates in Story of Prophet Moses
1- As one of the first steps in his mission, Moses (AS) was ordered to go to pharaoh and guide him to the truth. “He (pharaoh) said: ‘Moses, who is the Lord of you both?’”

Moses (AS) answers by reminding him of the divine blessings: “’Our Lord,’ he replied, ‘is He Who gave everything its creation and then guided it.’” (Verse 50 of Surah Taha)

“It is He who has made for you the earth as a cradle and threaded roads for you and sends down water from the sky with which We bring forth every kind of plant.” (Verse 53 of Surah Taha)

2- After pharaoh was killed and the Bani Isra’il were saved, they enjoyed the blessings of freedom, security and independence, which are among the greatest divine blessings. In Verse 80 of Surah Taha, they are reminded:

“Children of Israel! We saved you from your enemies and made a covenant with you on the right side of the Mountain. We sent down manna (natural honey) and quails.”


Source: rahyafteha