Famous Iranian screenwriter Ebrahim Golestan dies at 101

Famous Iranian screenwriter Ebrahim Golestan dies at 101

TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) – Prominent Iranian filmmaker and screenwriter, Ebrahim Taghavi Shirazi, known as Ebrahim Golestan, died on Tuesday night at the age of 101.

The prominent filmmaker and screenwriter Ebrahim Golestan died on Tuesday night at his home in the United Kingdom while surrounded by his family.

His daughter Laili Golestan announced his death in an Instagram post.

Born in Shiraz in southwestern Iran in 1953, Golestan became a top filmmaker and film writer as well as a photographer and translator. He immigrated to the UK in 1967.

Golestan started his film studio Golestan Films in 1957 and produced some documentaries for the National Iranian Oil Company. A Fire and Moj, Marjan and Khara are some of his most films.


Source: Mehr News


