The history of Islamophobia dates back more than fourteen hundred years

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website): Islamophobia and labeling Muslims under pretexts like terrorism have greatly proliferated in recent years. This growth of Islamophobia in Western countries has led to numerous problems for Muslims, with accusations against the Muslim minority in these countries becoming a common occurrence, voiced by extremists and some politicians

This is happening despite the fact that Muslims themselves are victims of terrorism in their own countries. Nevertheless, Islamophobia, especially since 2001 and the events of September 11th, has seen significant growth.

Dr. John Andrew Morrow, a Canadian Muslim researcher who converted to Islam thirty years ago at the age of sixteen, has been studying Islamic sciences and the works of traditional Muslim scholars and Western academics who have written about Islam for over three decades.

He completed his doctoral studies in Arabic linguistics in Fez and Rabat, and he considers Morocco his second home in a way. He worked as a university professor for two decades and retired from teaching after attaining the rank of professor. He has authored extensive works, including a hundred articles and thirty scholarly books in the fields of religion and Islam. One of his most influential studies is the “Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with the Christians of the World,” which is dedicated to promoting the letters, treaties, and covenants of the Messenger of God with various peoples.

In an interview with Ikna, he spoke about Islamophobia and its roots in the West and America.

In recent years, we have witnessed an increase in Islamophobia more than ever before. In your opinion, what is the main reason for the emergence of this phenomenon in the West?

This issue is not exclusive to recent years or centuries. The history of Islamophobia dates back more than fourteen hundred years. It began when the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) descended from Mount Noor and preached the word of God.

Since the principles preached by the Prophet threatened the injustices of the time and the personal interests of those in political and economic power, fear of Islam gripped the hearts of the oppressors. Psychologically and spiritually, they detested Islam.

Islamic ethics challenged their conscience filled with sins. When you are challenged at such a deep level, you either humble yourself and repent or stubbornly resist it. A person either seeks self-improvement or hardens their heart through wickedness.

The Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) did not seek the rule of evil on earth. He wanted the execution of God’s command. He did not seek bloodshed, aggression, destruction, looting, and enslavement, nor did he advocate economic exploitation and injustice.

He asked people to act humanely, feed the poor, take care of orphans, and free the captives. He called for an end to the killing of infant girls. He promoted unity and solidarity. The Meccan Surahs are full of spirituality.

These are signs of moral reformation and recall the words of Jesus, son of Mary (peace be upon him). If a person comes to a public square and promotes a diabolical program, it is natural for people to fear and oppose them. Such fear is rational and healthy. However, the fear of Islam was baseless. Rational individuals accepted it correctly. Those who opposed it in their hearts knew they were wrong, and the truth was with the Prophet (peace be upon him). But their love for power and wealth kept them from accepting his message.

If you read the portrayal of the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) in Spanish or French literature, it remains consistent with the image that is painted today. His name has been transformed, and his teachings have been distorted. He is accused of various abominations, and his followers are introduced as polytheists. Otherwise, how could religious, political, and economic elites convince many Source: rahyafteha