Deterrent defense Iran top principle in its military doctrine

Deterrent defense Iran top principle in its military doctrine

TEHRAN, Aug. 23 (MNA) – "The most important principle in Iran's defense doctrine is 'deterrent defense' according to which Tehran has adhered to all human and moral principles respected by the world," the Iranian defense minister said.

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani made the comments in a meeting with the military attachés from 37 countries around the world, on Wednesday morning, on the sidelines of an exhibition of defense industries in Iran organized on the occasion of the country's Defense Industry Day.

"One of the most important tasks and missions of the defense ministry in the Islamic Republic of Iran is the production of defense power and authority through the development of the capacities and capabilities of the defense industry, focusing on the design and production of the country's weapons. In other words, the defense ministry of the Islamic Republic of Iran is an authority-creating organization in the national arena that tries to create a 'strategic advantage' for the country through defense innovation and capabilities," Ashtiani said.

"The most important principle in the defense doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran is the deterrent defense principle. According to this principle, the Islamic Republic of Iran adheres to all human and moral principles respected by the world and takes into account military action only against aggression, occupation and expansionism." General Ashtiani said.

He continued to say that, the strategic advantages created by the Iranian armed forces not only created and enhanced targeted and effective deterrence power in the country but also they have created a balance of stability and security in the regional and international environment.

"In this regard, it should be noted that an important part of current crises and conflicts in the world has roots in the interventionist approach of powerful countries and their disrespect for the security considerations of other countries. Definitely, one of the ways to deal with the unipolar system is to strengthen multilateralist approaches," the Iranian defense minister added.

"This fact made the foreign policy doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran focus on cooperation and membership in regional and international organizations and institutions such as BRICS, the Eurasian Economic Union and the Shanghai Organization because they can be a point for crossing regional and global common interests and security," he added.


Source: Mehr News


