Prophet Joseph’s Efforts to Enlighten People

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website):Ignorance is a problem which, according to Imam Ali (AS), is the root cause of every evil and bad thing.

One way divine prophets, including Prophet Jospeh (AS), used toeducate people was trying to enlighten them and develop their knowledge. Joseph (AS) was appointed to prophethood among a people whose ignorance regarding this world and the next is clearly inferred from the verses of the Holy Quran.

Of course ignorance is a problem that has always existed in societies. But according to the verses of the Quran, this problem, and a lack of familiarity with Tawheed (monotheism) was widespread among Egyptians at the time of Joseph (AS). Instead of worshipping God, the Almighty, they worshiped false gods like jinn, angels, idols, cos, etc.

The reason they worshiped various false gods was because they lacked a true understanding of monotheism.

In such conditions, Prophet Joseph (AS) started to enlighten them and develop their knowledge and understanding about this world and the next.

He offered logical reasons to prove that their beliefs were rooted in their illusions and that there was no truth in the idols they worshiped.

“What you worship instead of God are no more than empty names that you and your fathers have given to certain things. God has not given any authority to such names. Judgment belongs to no one but God. He has commanded you to worship nothing but Him. This is the only true religion, but most people do not know.” (Verse 40 of Surah Yusuf)

The truth is that everyone should worship the one God to who judgment belongs.

In this way, Joseph sought to correct the beliefs of his contemporaries, to increase their knowledge of monotheistic facts, and to deliver them from the bonds of ignorance.


Source: rahyafteha