Degeneration and Decline of Thought

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website):A society that deviates from the path of thoughtfulness and rationality will come to dead-ends.

One of the outcomes of racism in a society is the decline of thoughtfulness and rationality. One example of racism is among some Jews who believe that Jewish people should not mix with others. They sometimes act so exaggeratedly in this regard as if no Jews had ever mixed with others.

According to their view, the Bain Isra’il are superior and better than other peoples. That is why they allow discriminations between Jews and others in social regulations and even in how people are treated.

The myth of a people being the chosen people, chosen cast, chosen leader, etc has always led to tragic outcomes.

God, the Almighty, in the Holy Quran rejects such claims of superiority:

“People, have fear of your Lord who has created you from a single soul. From it He created your spouse and through them He populated the land with many men and women. Have fear of the One by whose Name you swear to settle your differences and have respect for your relatives. God certainly keeps watch over you.” (Verse 1 of Surah An-Nisa)

So all people are the descendant of the same parents and no people or group has superiority over others.

The Holy Quran also says: “We have created the human being out of pure mud-molded clay.” (Verse 26 of Surah Al-Hijr)

So when God says all people have been created from the same substance (clay), there is no point in claiming superiority over one another based on race or ethnicity.

Rejecting such incorrect ideas (of superiority of one race over others), God urges all humans to reflect and introduces contemplation as a barrier against deviation of thoughts.

So thoughtfulness and thinking are the basis for the growth and progress of societies and racism, which is rooted in lack of thoughtfulness and rationality, can be considered as a cause of a society’s backwardness.

God has rejected racism by reminding people that all of them have been created from the same substance.

iqna Source: rahyafteha