Iranian Cardboard Manufacturing Firm Recycles 95 Percent of Consumed Water

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian cardboard manufacturing company makes most of its products by using recycled paper and cardboard and treats over 95% of consumed water.

“Paper making is one of the industries that use a lot of water, but considering that our factory has been located in a desert area and water is scarce, we have installed a highly strong wastewater treatment system that can almost make us zero discharge and at least 95% of our water consumption is recycled,” Hossein Kermani, the production manager of Kavir Moghava Ardestan company, told ANA on the margines of the 30th International Print Pack Expo 2023 held from December 13th to 16th, 2023, at Tehran International Permanent Fairground.

“We have also used the latest technology while consuming other forms of energy like gas and electricity, and we monitor them constantly to consume the minimum amount of energy,” he added.

Asked about the company’s motto of “being green”, Kermani said, “This means that we also recycle paper, and most of our products are manufactured by recycled paper, either in the form of cardboards or in the form of recycled paper strips for packaging.”

“Another sign of our company’s environmentally-friendly activities is that we are growing one million saplings in our company's premises which are irrigated by the factory's own treated water,” he added.

Noting that the company is able to produce cardboard with better conditions than the foreign samples and with the world-class quality, Kermani said, “We prevent foreign currency’s exit from the country, and we use raw materials and chemicals made by the domestic producers.”

The 30th International Tehran Printing, Packing, Paper & Related Machinery Expo was held on December 13-16, 2023, at Tehran Permanent International Fairground, and it was a resounding success. Over 500 enterprises worldwide participated in this four-day event, which provided a platform for industry professionals to showcase their innovations and display their products to visitors, professionals, and experts in the field.

A member of the Iranian Association of Importers of Paper, Cardboard and Cellulose Products said in July that more than 40% of the annual production of 1,600,000 tons of packaging paper in Iran is exported to various countries, including Europe, Asia, and Persian Gulf countries.

“Currently, 120 factories are operating in the field of paper production in the country,” Reza Omidi said.

“More than 1,600,000 tons of packaging paper are produced annually in the country while the domestic annual need is 850,000 tons, and the remaining is exported to various countries, including Europe, Asia, and the Persian Gulf countries,” the member of Iran’s Association of Importers of Paper, Cardboard and Cellulose Products added.

Stating that 120,000 tons of sanitary paper are consumed annually in the country, but the production in that field is more than 200,000 tons, Omidi added, “The volume of cardboard production in the country is 250,000 tons while the overall domestic consumption is 110,000 tons, of which about 100,000 tons are exported. Also, the annual production of tissue is 175,000 tons while the amount of consumption is 160,000 tons. According to estimates, paper consumption per capita in the country is 22 kg, in Europe 55 kg and in USA 160 kg.”


Source: ANA


