How to Become a ‘Perfect’ Human

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website):This pursuit often leads us towards a concept we call “personal perfection,” a state of optimal growth and happiness. Many believe within each of us lies the potential to achieve this ideal. By recognizing and nurturing our innate abilities, we embark on a journey of self-improvement, often guided by those around us.

Education becomes our indispensable companion on this path, a gift instilled within us from the very beginning. During childhood, families serve as our first teachers, laying the foundation for our development.

As we step into the wider world, schools take on the baton, furthering our education. This lifelong network of guidance encompasses parents, families, teachers, and even our social surroundings, each playing a unique and crucial role in shaping who we become.

But where does this inherent drive for self-improvement ultimately lead? For many, the answer lies in the concept of “Hayat Tayyaba” (pure life) presented in the Holy Quran.

In essence, it envisions a life of purpose and progress in this world, leading to a state of spiritual fulfillment in the next. This journey ultimately sculpts us into “perfect human beings,” individuals who embody our highest potential.

To navigate this path, we instinctively seek guidance from reliable sources, those who hold the secrets of human nature. The Holy Quran, Sunnah, traditions, and the lives of the Prophet and Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) offer such a compass.

In the Quran, the Creator, with profound knowledge of humanity, lays out the path for optimal living, addressing every facet of our lives. Traditions and the exemplary lives of the Prophet and Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) provide practical interpretations and insights, shaping a comprehensive guide for those seeking personal perfection.


Source: rahyafteha