Guiding Star: A Poem of Hope for Imam Mahdi

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website):

In shadows deep, a guiding star does gleam,

Imam Mahdi, our hope, a sacred dream

. Injustice rampant, darkness all around,

His advent promised, in faith we’re bound.

The twelfth Imam, concealed from our sight,

A beacon of justice, dispelling the night.

His love and mercy, a soothing balm,

In troubled times, a tranquil calm.

A promise of justice, a world set right,

In his emergence, we find our light.

With patience and hope, we await the day,

When Imam Mahdi will lead the way.

In unity and faith, we’ll stand by his side,

In his noble cause, we will gladly ride.

For Imam Mahdi, our hearts are afire,

His love and guidance, our ultimate desire.

So, let us pray and strive to be,

True followers of the Mahdi, noble and free.

With love and devotion, our hearts we’ll give,

To Imam Mahdi, in whom we believe.


Source: rahyafteha