Important Points for New Muslims Regarding Imam Mahdi (AJ)

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website):Introduction: For new Muslims, learning about the beliefs and concepts in Islam is an exciting journey. One of the central figures in Islamic eschatology is Imam Mahdi (AJ), the awaited savior. Here are some important points for new Muslims to understand about Imam Mahdi (AJ):

Belief in Imam Mahdi (AJ):

Imam Mahdi (AJ), also known as the Twelfth Imam in Shia Islam, is believed to be the guided and awaited leader who will bring justice and equity to the world. While beliefs about Imam Mahdi (AJ) may vary among Islamic sects, the concept of a promised savior is prevalent in Islamic eschatology.

Imam Mahdi’s Lineage:

He is believed to be a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through his daughter Fatimah (peace be upon her) and her husband Imam Ali (peace be upon him).

Imam Mahdi’s Occultation:

Imam Mahdi (AJ) is currently in occultation, which means he is in hiding and not accessible to the public. This period of concealment is believed to be a test of faith.

Role and Mission:

Imam Mahdi (AJ) is expected to reappear at a time when the world is filled with injustice and tyranny. His mission is to establish justice, equity, and righteousness globally. Believers are encouraged to strive for moral excellence, social justice, and to stand against oppression, aligning with the values Imam Mahdi (AJ) represents.

Signs of His Emergence:

Islamic traditions mention signs that will precede Imam Mahdi’s (AJ) reappearance, such as widespread injustice, natural disasters, and the emergence of specific figures. It’s important to approach these signs with humility and not to make exact predictions about his arrival.

Prayer and Hope:

Muslims often pray for the hastening of Imam Mahdi’s (AJ) appearance and the fulfillment of his mission. The belief in Imam Mahdi (AJ) provides hope and a sense of purpose, encouraging believers to work towards a just and equitable society.

Interactions with Other Muslims:

It’s essential for new Muslims to respect the diversity of beliefs within the Muslim community regarding Imam Mahdi (AJ). Engage in respectful discussions and seek knowledge from knowledgeable sources to deepen your understanding.

Continuing Education:

Learning about Imam Mahdi (AJ) and other aspects of Islamic eschatology is an ongoing process. Seek out books, lectures, and knowledgeable individuals to expand your knowledge


Understanding the concept of Imam Mahdi (AJ) is an essential part of Islamic belief, particularly for those who are new to Islam. It offers a vision of hope and justice, motivating Muslims to strive for a better world while patiently awaiting his reappearance.


Source: rahyafteha