Iranian Researchers Produce Hazardous Detection Kit to Alert Deaf

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at Islamic Azad University(IAU)-Kermanshah branch have built a smart device to alert deaf and hard of hearing people to the potentially fatal presence of hazardous gases as the mentioned people can not hear sound alarms.

The knowledge-based company "Houshmand Pishro Omid", active in the field of electronics and computers, succeeded in obtaining the knowledge-based approval in 2022.

This knowledge-based company operates in the field of making electronic circuits smart, design and manufacture of automation equipment, design, development and manufacture of mobile applications, design, manufacture and implementation of traffic control and security equipment, and design and manufacture of printed circuit fiber.

In addition to designing and manufacturing electronic and computer equipment, this knowledge-based company also has a hand in the field of research, and with its research activities, it has succeeded in achieving successful ideas for the development of electronic and computer devices.

“Last year, we managed to obtain knowledge-based approval from the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy,” Hamed Abbasi, the managing director of the company told ANA.

“We work in the field of producing electronic devices, programming, mobile and computer programs,” he said.

“Our product is an earthquake and gas detector that is used in residential buildings. it has a very stable and durable performance with changing temperature and humidity and adapts to different climatic conditions of temperature and humidity,” he said about their new product.

“Deaf people are not able to hear alarms and do not understand when something happens; therefore, neural network artificial intelligence has been used on the ‘earthquake and gas detector’ product, and we linearized the behavior of the sensors in the ‘earthquake and gas detector’ devices which are no longer dependent on temperature and humidity,” Abbassi added.

“For example, if you put the device in the North and South of the country or Tehran, the performance of the device is the same in all three places. Humidity and temperature do not affect the impact of the temperature,” he explained more.

“Moreover, this device is able to alert deaf people about the possible risk of gas explosion through a mobile application, and people who use the application designed to communicate with the gas detector device can set the level of gas or earthquake alarms,” the AIU researcher said.


Source: ANA


