Janitor of the World Trade Center who Converted to Islam after September 11

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website): he is someone who worked as a janitor at the World Trade Center for 20 years before the September 11 incident. Apart from the four top managers of the tower, William was the only one who, by virtue of his duties, had access to the keys to all floors and this allowed him to rescue many people trapped in the tower on that day. He still has that key to salvation and plans to donate it to a museum that will be built in memory of that incident.

This man of Puerto Rican descent was the last person to leave the tower before the collapse of the second tower after saving several people. He miraculously escaped death by taking refuge in a fire department vehicle. He was among the first to recount what happened to him live on CNN during those critical moments, but his statements were removed from the official government report on the September 11 incident. William Rodriguez, for saving hundreds of lives that day, is known as a national hero in the media of the United States and the world. However, when he appears in a photo with George Bush, he refers to it as a “memorable photo with the devil.”

“After September 11, when I saw that no one cared about the families of the victims and survivors, I started to get involved. That’s why the Republicans asked me to campaign for the Latino vote, which has about 30 million votes,” he said.

“I accepted it because I was unemployed after the collapse of that building and started to question and research about September 11. During one of the meetings we had at the White House, I requested to investigate this incident through a letter. But they got very angry. When the families of the victims insisted that this matter should be investigated, the President of the United States said that we know it’s the work of Muslims. But we and the families of the victims requested an investigation, and when the media pressured them, they accepted the investigation, and I was the representative of these families,” he said.

“Finally, a commission for investigation and examination of September 11 was formed, and it did its duty. Unlike others whose statements were broadcast in the media, the committee’s conversation with me took place behind closed doors. When my research report was published, it was 576 pages long, but there was no mention of me and my observations anywhere, and they had deleted my report.”

“When I asked why this happened, they said that your statements question the main result raised in this report. It’s strange that in this official report, there is no mention of the explosions that took place inside the building and in the lower floors before the plane crashed, even though I witnessed them,” he added. “During an incident, on the tenth anniversary of that event, I was arrested and detained in prison without any charges.”

“Only because it might have caused problems with my speeches for Obama’s campaign at that time. When this happened, the US government raised issues that would undermine the credibility of our statements. Now, September 11 is the main excuse for justifying and doing many things by the US government. After this incident, the US government tried to use it against Muslims with media propaganda. This made me travel to various parts of the world to explain the truth.”

“It was during my trip to Malaysia that I had my first encounter with Muslims. Before that, the US State Department told me not to go there because I might be killed! But when I met the people there, most of them showed me great love. I was supposed to talk about the facts of September 11 there. During this trip, I met with Mahathir Mohamad. I talked to many scholars; I wanted to know why there is so much hatred against Islam, and I heard their speeches that made me think. That’s why I became a Muslim. This made the anger of the US government against me increase.”

Source: rahyafteha