Iranian Scientists Produce, Commercialize Pure Hybrid Seeds

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian scientists at a technological company in cooperation with the National Center for Genetic Reserves managed to produce and commercialize pure hybrid seeds, breaking the monopoly of foreign states.

The cooperation resulted in production of pure hybrid seeds of over five varieties of greenhouse cucumber, greenhouse colored bell pepper, lettuce, sugar beet and watermelon.

“Research was conducted on 40 varieties of hybrid lettuce seeds for one year and finally 8 varieties (genotypes) of lettuce were selected. These are 8 pure hybrid seed varieties (f1) that have reached the stage of commercialization and presentation to the market,” said Mohammad Sajjad Tabatabayee, the managing-director of the technological company.

Also, Mohsen Khosravi, the manager of seed department of the company, said that one of the achievements of the company was to present to the market a beet seed that was produced by domestic experts from the Iranian-British line.

“We have five varieties of greenhouse cucumbers among other products and hybrid watermelon seed of all types is one of our other achievements,” he added.

“During a ceremony, 8 varieties of lettuce, 5 varieties of greenhouse cucumber, sugar beet and sweet pepper produced in cooperation with other institutions and companies will be unveiled,” Khosravi said.

Earlier reports, in October, said that a knowledge-based company located in the Science and Technology Park of Markazi Province in Iran had met the country’s need for the seeds of flower and ornamental plants by acquiring the relevant know-how.

Tayybeh Basaki, who has a PhD in genetics and biometrics plant breeding, and is now an university professor and managing director of an Iranian knowledge-based company, said, “Iran was dependent on foreigners for the supply of F1 seeds for flowers and seasonal plants, and the seeds were needed by greenhouses and flower and plant producers. The supplies of these seeds used to be done through imports.”

“Given the flourishing of the flower and plant industry in Iran and the need of the industry's activists for F1 seeds and the role of domestic production of this product in saving the country from imports, with the help of the Science and Technology Park of Markazi Province and in the form of a knowledge-based company, we put the production of this product on the agenda and started the research plan for the production of F1 seeds in an area of 1,000 square meters with the aim of obtaining good and high-quality foundations.

“The Markazi province and the city of Mahalat account for the production of a large part of the country's flowers, and greenhouse owners usually have to import F1 seeds every season due to the lack of F1 seed parents, for which they inflict high costs,” she added.


Source: ANA


