Iranian Researchers Produce Smart Mirror to Continuously Redirect Sunlight into Dark Corners of Houses

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian knowledge-based company has designed and manufactured a smart solar mirrors that direct very suitable and natural light to dark corners of buildings through staircases and skylights.

“Dark corners have always been a matter of concern for architects and builders. As the number of floors of the building increases, the intensity of light transmitted to the lower floors decreases,” Masoud Faizi, the managing director of a knowledge-based company that produces smart mirrors said in an interview with ANA.

“In this system, a mirror panel is installed on the roof. This panel is rotatable and can intercept the sunlight and transmit it to the second mirror panel (which is attached to a fixed skylight),” he added.

“This system can direct suitable amount of natural light into the buildings and reduce the energy consumption of the lower floors in the building,” he continued.

The researcher went on to note that as the studies show, sunlight and darkness trigger the release of hormones in your brain. Exposure to sunlight is thought to increase the brain's release of a hormone called serotonin. Serotonin is associated with boosting mood and helping a person feel calm and focused.

Faizi said the innovative mirrors have been patented and received the knowledge-based grade from the relevant Iranian authorities while it has yet to become popular in the country.

“Now the average sunny day in Iran is more than other countries. We can also use this system together with other countries to reduce energy consumption,” he concluded.


Source: ANA


