Aston Villa’s Muslim Athlete Charter Aimed at Supporting Diversity

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website)The charter is meant to demonstrate a commitment to equality and supporting diversity.

The Muslim athletes charter was launched by Nujum Sports in June 2021, to challenge organizations to make progress in supporting Muslim sportsmen and women.

“We believe that signing the Muslim Athlete Charter is an integral part of our work in providing support to our Muslim players and supporters,” Aston Villa’s EDI Lead said in a statement on the club’s website.

“By understanding the Muslim faith and cultural needs, we can become more inclusive, welcoming and make everyone feel truly valued and appreciated at Aston Villa.”

According to the statement, Aston Villa decided to adopt the Muslim charter following the increase of Muslim players in the profession as well as support from Muslim fans.

Signing the charter, the club will “listen, learn and embrace good practice to not only help our players flourish but to make our supporters feel valued and welcomed,” the statement added.


This pledge is also a part of Aston Villa’s ongoing work around Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI).

“It is an honor to have Aston Villa join over 79 professional clubs from 5 different sports, who have all pledged to support their Muslim players, fans, and staff,” said Ebadur Rahman, Founder & CEO of Nujum Sports.

“We will be working closely with the Club for the upcoming season to make a positive impact in the sport.”

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The charter includes 10 points, such as non-consumption of alcohol during celebrations, providing appropriate places to pray, halal food, and allowing Muslim athletes to fast during Ramadan.

The latest supporter of the charter was Yorkshire Country Cricket Club which signed it last June.

Five Premier League clubs and 15 from the EFL have already pledged to support the charter.

Campaigners ‘Kick it Out’ and ‘the Football Supporters’ Association’ have also given their backing.


Source: rahyafteha

