Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Authorized to Construct Near Surface Disposal Facility

TEHRAN (ANA)- The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) announced it has authorized Canadian Nuclear Laboratories to construct a near surface disposal facility on the Chalk River Laboratories site in Ontario.

The purpose of the project is to provide a permanent disposal solution for up to 1 million cubic meters of solid low-level radioactive waste, such as contaminated personal protective clothing and building materials, the commission said in a news release.

The facility location is entirely within the licensed boundary of the Chalk River Laboratories site in Deep River, Ontario, 1.1 km from the Ottawa River, on a bedrock ridge that slopes away from the river, the commission said.

The majority of the waste to be placed is currently in storage at the Chalk River Laboratories site or will be generated from environmental remediation, decommissioning, and operational activities at the Chalk River Laboratories site. Approximately 10 percent of the waste volume will come from Canadian hospitals and universities, the commission added.

The commission said it gave careful consideration to all submissions and perspectives received throughout the multi-year regulatory review and hearing process, which began in 2016.


Source: ANA


