Sudanese Thinker Criticizes Orientalists’ Approach to Islam’s Political Thought

According to rahyafteha(the missionaries and converts website):Al-Mahjoub Abdul Salam said orientalists divide the world into the east and the west and describe the east as a culture that is incapable of establishing democracy.

They ignore the fact that the West’s political thought has been influenced by Islamic sources, he said.

It has been said, for example, that French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseauhas adopted the idea of the Social Contract from the concept of Bai’at (making a pledge of allegiance), he noted.

Abdul Salam said when Muslims were at the height of their civilizational burgeoning, they showed great creativity in spreading their scholarly and research works in different fields.

He referred to the book “Mabadi Ara Ahl al-Madinat al-Fadilah” by renowned Iranian thinker Abu Nasr al-Farabi and described it as a peak of theorization in the field of politics and society.

However, he deplored, such works have been given little attention.

He also highlighted the great strides made by Muslim scholars in the field of philosophy.

Abdul Salam went on to say that orientalists have overlooked the freedom-seeking aspects in Muslims’ political thought and social life and such an approach has unfortunately spread among Muslim social and political scientists as well.


Source: rahyafteha