Part 1/I always hated paganism

According to rahyafteha(the missionaries and converts website):With no family or home, my only connection now was with islam.

The Muslim officer treated me like a sister and provided shelter on that cold night when I had lost everything.

Persian text of the first part

My name was Kavita, and my nickname was Poonam.

I was born in Mumbai, and I am currently 30 years old.

Although I consider myself to have the knowledge of a five_year _old Muslim child when it comes to islam.

After completing my schooling in Mumbai, I persued higher education at Cambridge University.

I obtained a master’s degree and also completed various computer courses.

However, I now realize that while I have acquired degrees for this world, I haven’t done much for the hereafter. I aspire to contribute something meaningful for that purpose.

I attended a prestigious school in Mumbai, where only children from affluent families studied.

I got married in Mumbai, but later I moved to Bahrain with my husband.

We have two sons. I am grateful to Allah for His blessings.

When Allah wishes well for someone, He grants them understanding of Deen. I believe that Allah has showered me with His blessings .

I grew up in an extremist Hindu environment where Muslims were deeply disliked.

Although I converted to Islam after my marriage, I had always disliked idol worship since I was young.

I remember removing an idol to a washroom in my house and questioning its ability to grant blessings.

This act caused my mother to admonish me.

Additionally, I refused to follow the ritual of washing my husband’s feet and drinking the water, which led to severe reprimand.

While working at a school, I beagan visiting a nearby Islamic center and was attracted to the teachings of Islam. I discovered that Muslims do not worship idols and sought blessings from someone else.

It was then that I realized their Bhagwan (God) is Allah, the One who encompasses everything.


Source: rahyafteha