Iranian Specialists Use AI to Ease Treatment of Diabetic Wounds

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian IT specialists at a startup team succeeded in designing a smart diabetic wound treatment system based on artificial intelligence (AI).

“Since the wounds caused by diabetes cannot be examined and identified with the human eye, we decided to design a system by using machine vision,” Tohid Amadeh, the caretaker of the start-up team, told ANA.

He reminded that treatment methods for wounds caused by diabetes often have long processes, saying, “This system speeds up the treatment and diagnosis process of these wounds through artificial intelligence processors.”

“After scanning the image of the wound, artificial intelligence determines its type, intensity and depth by using the spectrum of colors defined for the physician,” Amadeh said.

“The remarkable thing about this system, which is considered as its advantage, is the provision of long-term treatment solutions after asking specific questions from the physician,” Abbasi noted.

Earlier, in December, a faculty member of Islamic Azad University’s Tabriz branch had also produced a Jet Plasma device which can be used for the definite treatment of chronic and drug-resistant diabetic wounds.

"The Jet Plasma device is capable of paving the ground for rejuvenating the skin in addition to healing chronic and drug-resistant diabetic wounds," Alireza Mohammadian, a PhD of plasma physics, a faculty member of Islamic Azad University’s Tabriz branch, and the managing director of Plasma Fanavar Rasta company, told ANA.

“The device has been developed with therapeutic purposes (plasma therapy). Plasma is an ionized gas that, in addition to electrons and ions, contains free radicals, ultraviolet radiation and electromagnetic fields,” he added.

Mohammadian explained that the combination of these components produces antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties on the skin and wound, adding that medical plasma is produced by injecting energy into a neutral gas, and after contact with the skin, it quickly sublimes the surface cells and creates collagen and elastin fibers by causing micro burns on the surface of the skin and transferring controlled heat deep into the skin which ultimately leads to skin rejuvenation.

​Noting that the high radio frequency welding machine (dielectric welding) is another product of his company, he said, “In the high radio frequency welding machine, high frequency electric fields are used to induce heat and melt thermoplastic base materials like polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyurethanes and polymers such as nylon, PET, EVA and some ABS resins.”

“In this system, after the parts are joined together, an electric field is applied by a pair of electrodes. Metal rod is applied and these rods act as pressurizers during heating and cooling,” Mohammadian said.

He explained that the target market of this medical equipment are producers of catheter bags, hospital mattresses, shopping bags, handbags, shoe upper presses, document covers, notebooks and binders, clothing covers, car covers and motorcycle saddles.


Source: ANA


