Iranian Experts Develop Web-Based System for Managing Patients, Nursing Agencies

TEHRAN (ANA)- Specialists of an Iranian knowledge-based company succeeded in designing a mobile version of a web-based system to manage patients and nursing agencies by using artificial intelligence (AI).

The management system of patients and nursing agencies has been designed and produced to make smart and facilitate the services provided by the private and semi-governmental medical and nursing service providers in three nursing groups of children, the elderly and patients.

Patients as users of this system can register a request to receive specialized nursing services on site through the web application, the system automatically manages the requests in the waiting queue and based on the patient's profile information using artificial intelligence.

The companies providing nursing and care services are identified from the database based on the type and record of the patient's illness and send his/her request to those companies based on the nurse's skill score, free capacity, expertise and nursing service tariff.

As soon as the request is accepted by one of the nursing agencies that received the request, the appointment system informs the patient of the time and place of the visit.

Nasser Mahmoudi, the managing director of the knowledge-based company, said, “Smartization of service delivery reduces the costs of businesses and provides patients with the best services in the shortest time possible."

In a relevant development in February, Iranian IT technologists at a knowledge-based company had also designed and launched a crisis management system that helps officials in the fair distribution of services to the victims.

“One of the achievements of our company is designing and implementation of the crisis and disaster management system for all parts of the country,” said Ahmad Rezayian, the managing director of the company.

He explained that the system can be used from the moment of assessing the amount of damage and the number of victims of incidents until providing services like banking facilities, free loans, temporary accommodation and distribution of tents and services related to construction from debris removal to construction and repair.

“The crisis management headquarters located in the affected cities and provinces take action based on the reports they receive from the system on the amount of damages,” Rezayian said.


Source: ANA


