Iranian Scientists Make Neurostimulation Device

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at a knowledge-based company in Iran succeeded in designing and manufacturing a device for stimulating nerve cells in animals for research in the laboratory environments.

Iranian researchers, specially in the field of cognitive neuroscience, can use this neurostimulation device to electrically stimulate parts of the brain with the settings provided by the device's software and observe the effect of this stimulation on the animal's behavior to fix and treat the failures and problems.

Rouhollah Shir Afkan, the director of the research and development (R&D) department of the knowledge-based company, explained that the device can be used to artificially produce body movements and observe the effect of stimulation on vision, hearing and different parts deep in the brain.

“Electrical stimulation is one of the common methods used in recent years, which has found many applications in the medical and research sector. These stimulators are usually used to stimulate the cells of the auditory and visual nerves, and specially the neurons in the brain,” he added.

“The device enjoys the capability to generate stimulation of two independent pulse current channels in single-phase, two-phase, and pulse train with the pulse width, frequency and desired amplitude settings,” Shir Afkan said.

Neurostimulation devices are utilized to establish a connection between the nervous system and the external environment, playing a vital role in neural recording and stimulation.


Source: ANA


