Iran among Best Manufacturers of Humanoid Robots

TEHRAN (ANA)- Head of the robotics and soft technologies research center of Islamic Azad University’s Tabriz branch said that the Iranian students and researchers are among the best in the world in designing and building humanoid robots.

“Fortunately, recently, our country has been able to make significant progress in the field of robotics software thanks to the efforts of Iranian researchers,” Morteza Abbaszadeh told ANA.

“This significant progress in the software industry is highly important since the main part of the robot is software and artificial intelligence, and our students and elites have gained enough confidence that they can develop good software and they have had an excellent performance in the domestic and foreign competitions and are among the top three teams in the world; specially in the category of humanoid robots, which are among the most complex robots, the Iranian teams have always been successful,” he added.

Abbaszadeh referred to commercialization of robots made by the Iranian researchers, and said 30 ‘EGV’ robots have been used in the assembly line of Tabriz Tractor Manufacturing Company.

Scientists in Iran have made great progress in designing and making different robots.

Iranian experts in June 2021 conducted the first remote surgery on a dog by using the fully home-made robot, named Sina, making Iran the second country in the world after the US with the capability to develop surgical robots.

The robot has a surgical console that the surgeon can control and guide the surgery remotely by standing behind it and using two robotic arms.

Also a monitor has been placed next to the console that shows the image of surgery for surgeon clearly. The surgeon uses this system to control the surgery with a pedal and two robotic arms.


Source: ANA


