No JCPOA talks between Iran, US at any level

No JCPOA talks between Iran, US at any level

TEHRAN, Aug. 27 (MNA) – Vahid Jalalzadeh, the head of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, says that there are no talks underway between Tehran and Washington over JCPOA revival.

"The Islamic Republic (of Iran) is not negotiating over the JCPOA with the Americans at any level. We do not trust the Americans," the senior lawmaker stressed, adding that the recent negotiations between the Iranian and US sides were within the framework of releasing Iran's frozen funds and prisoner swap.

Slamming the oppressive unilateral sanctions imposed by the United States on Iran, Jalalzadeh stressed that the US spies jailed in Iran's prisoners will be freed once the process of Iran's blocked assets is completed.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Iranian parliament member touched upon the issue of the presence of US forces in the Hormuz Strait, saying that the deterrence power of Iran's armed forces in the region is well known to the Americans better than anyone else. "We have never accepted and nor will accept the presence of the Americans in the Persian Gulf," he emphasized.

Referring to the US's consecutive failures in the region, Jalalzadeh noted that now the regional countries are aware that Washington is only seeking to secure its own interests, rather than their alleged claims of defending the region.


Source: Mehr News


