The Birth of Light

According to Rahyafte(the missionaries and converts website):The Prophet Muhammad Mustafa, peace be upon him and his family, was born in the year of the Elephant (570 AD) during the month of Rabi’ al-Awwal. Shi’a scholars celebrate the birth of the Noble Prophet on the 17th of Rabi’ al-Awwal, while most Sunni scholars commemorate it on the 12th of the same month.

Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) narrated:

“The Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him, said: ‘Allah, the Most High, created me from His own radiant light before He created the heavens, the earth, the throne, and the seas.'”

Thiqat al-Islam al-Kulayni (may Allah be pleased with him) wrote: Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) said:

“At the time of the birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Fatimah bint Assad was present near Amina (the honored mother of the Prophet). One of them said to the other, ‘Do you see what I see?’ The other replied, ‘What do you see?’ She said, ‘I see a radiant light that has enveloped everything between the East and the West!’ At that moment, Abu Talib entered and inquired about the matter. Fatimah bint Assad explained it to him. Abu Talib then said, ‘Do you want me to give you good news?’ She replied, ‘Yes.’ Abu Talib said, ‘A son will be born to you, and he will be the guardian of this infant.'”

The Radiant Face of Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) stated that Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) once asked his aunt, Hind bint Abi Hala, who was skilled in describing faces, to describe the face of the Seal of the Prophets (peace be upon him). Hind bint Abi Hala described the Prophet’s face as follows:

“The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) appeared majestic, and there was a sense of reverence in his demeanor. He had a dignified stature, his hair was neither too curly nor too straight, and his hair and beard were both white and bright. His forehead was broad, his eyebrows were arched and not joined, and he had a prominent bridge of the nose. His beard was thick, and the color of his eyes was intense. His cheeks were soft and not chubby. His teeth were slender, and his build was moderate. When he walked, he moved with grace and dignity. When he focused on something, he looked at it deeply and was not easily distracted. He greeted everyone he met and was always guiding and helping the people.”

Muhammad, the Sun and Moon of the Earth

Inspired by the narrations, the poet Saadi beautifully described the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as follows:

“The moon has hidden itself from the beauty of Muhammad, No cypress can match the elegance of Muhammad. The value of the world cannot compare to Muhammad, The promise of seeing Muhammad is the day of resurrection. Everyone, from Adam to Noah and from Abraham to Moses and Jesus,

Will come together in the shade of Muhammad’s guidance. On the Day of Judgment, look for the shade of Muhammad, And all those with good hearts will gather under it. Perhaps if the sun and moon do not shine, Before the two eyebrows like crescents of Muhammad.”

Translation of the Greeting:

“Congratulations on the auspicious occasion of the birth anniversary of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, and Imam Ja’far Sadiq, peace be upon him.”


Source: rahyafteha