“Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) means the light of God to me.”

According to Rahyafte(the missionaries and converts website):Yahya Charles Ponce, who has embraced Islam for 15 years and is studying Islamic sciences in Qom, considers Islam the most complete religion. He describes the Prophet of Islam as follows: “For me, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) means the light of God. With this interpretation, we should not limit him to just a human being. For me, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) means the light of God, so we should not restrict him to just one person. Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH) was not just a prophet and an individual; he was a light and a universe.”

These words, though short, stem from Yahya Ponce’s deep belief and heartfelt emotions about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Yahya Ponce embarked on a journey to discover the right path, seeking the truth and personal growth through thinking and rationality about 15 years ago.

Yahya Charles Ponce, or rather Yahya Ponce, a Spanish Muslim convert, became acquainted with the real personality of Imam Khomeini by reading his will about 15 years ago. Until then, he had only been familiar with an unreal image of Imam Hussein.

According to him, before knowing about the Islamic Revolution in Iran and learning more about the true personality of Imam Khomeini, he considered Gandhi as a great advocate of justice and followed his example. However, after reading Imam Khomeini’s will in a book in Spain and learning more about the true personality and correct message of the Leader of the Iranian Revolution, he saw Imam Khomeini as even greater than Gandhi. This served as a prelude to Yahya Ponce’s further exploration of Islam and the Shia faith.

Later, with an understanding of the Creator of existence, he rejected atheistic thinking prevalent in the Western world. As he learned more about Islam, he found it to be the most complete religion. According to him, language and heart bear witness to the two testimonies of faith.

Ponce says about Islam: “Islam is the most complete religion, and real Islam is good thinking and good actions. Actions are incomplete when thinking is weak. Therefore, first, we must think correctly and then act accordingly.”

He emphasizes that preachers and scholars should not only say “act” but should also clarify how to implement Islamic commandments for people.

Ponce points out that it is not enough to just read the biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) but that we should also embody his teachings in our lives.

For him, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) means the light of God, so we should not limit him to just a human being. Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH) was not just a prophet and an individual; he was a light and a universe. The religion he brought was more complete than other religions, and the Prophet sought evolution in both thought and action.

These short but profound sentences reflect Ponce’s deep belief and heartfelt feelings about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Ponce emphasizes that the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) is a complete example of adhering to the commandments of Islam and a guiding light for the future. He believes that the Prophet’s biography and behavior should be the guiding light for everyone’s life and future.

He calls the Prophet a proclaimer of global unity and a messenger of peace. He believes that Islamic unity should lead to progress in all areas, not just in details.

For him, the purpose of attending Friday prayers is not just to pray together, but to continue unity. He believes that Satan wants to separate good people from each other, and, therefore, the promotion of division and segregation in carrying out good deeds is Satan’s work. Our duty is to strive for unity in both thought and action.

Ponce views the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the best intellectual and practical example of Islam. He believes that the propagation of Islam lies in action and not just in words. Islam is a religion of action, not slogans, and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the best example of intellectual and practical Islam.


Source: rahyafteha