Iran, IAEA Interacting As Per Safeguards: Eslami

Iran, IAEA Interacting As Per Safeguards: Eslami

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The process of interaction between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency is in progress consistently in accordance with the Safeguards, Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Mohammad Eslami said.

– Nuclear news –

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Eslami said the relations and cooperation between Iran and the UN nuclear agency are taking place under the Safeguards –the activities by which the IAEA can verify that a state is living up to its international commitments not to use nuclear technology for development of atomic weapons.

He noted that the IAEA’s cameras are operating at Iran’s nuclear sites, providing the UN nuclear agency with an up-to-date knowledge of Iran’s activities.

There are currently 120 verified IAEA inspectors that are either residing in Iran or traveling to the country occasionally, Eslami said.

He noted that IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi submits periodic reports to the Board of Governors and the UN Security Council about cooperation with Iran regarding the Safeguards and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Eslami underlined that the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran complies with the parliamentary law on “strategic action” for lifting of the sanctions and safeguarding national interests when it comes to the JCPOA.

The quarterly and biannual reports that the IAEA gives to the Board of Governors and the UNSC certify Iran’s compliance or non-compliance with the JCPOA, he stated, noting that Tehran will fulfill its JCPOA commitments should the other sides honor theirs.

The nuclear chief also noted that Grossi is going to pay a visit to Iran.

In January, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani called on the IAEA to perform its professional function and stay away from political issues when it comes to cooperation with Iran.

Reaffirming Iran’s commitment to the NPT and the Safeguards Agreement, Kanaani said since the conclusion of the JCPOA, Iran has been at the top of the list of countries where the IAEA has carried out the highest number of inspections.

Source: Tasnim News


