Faster Healing of Diabetic Wounds with Iran-Made Nano Dressings

TEHRAN (ANA)- Quick healing of diabetic wounds with a nano dressing that can kill bacteria and accelerate the healing process is one of the achievements of an Iranian knowledge-based company, a report by Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council (INIC) said.

“Statistics show that 25% of people with diabetes suffer from this type of ulcers, which leads to limb amputation in 15-20% of cases. Meanwhile, if the treatment process is not done well, 30% of people with diabetic ulcers will lose life in five years,” warned Adela Qolipour Kanani, the managing director of the Iranian knowledge-based company was quoted as saying by an INIC report.

“Using nanotechnology, we have developed a nanofiber dressing, which is an advanced covering for all kinds of wounds, especially diabetic ulcers. This bandage was in a precise and engineeing structure that simulates the microstructure of human skin. When it is placed on the damaged tissue, the dressing induces the body that a tissue similar to the body's tissue has come to help heal. Hence, the healing process is accelerated,” Qolipour said.

“High breathability is one of the features of this dressing, which allows for controlling moisture well in the wound and remove the infection from it. Also, this dressing has the capability to supply blood and minimizes the probability of infection,” said the managing director.


Source: ANA


