Iranian Company Produces Nano Polishing Liquid for Auto Parts Makers

TEHRAN (ANA)- A manager of a technological company in Iran said that their company has sold their nano polishing liquid to one of the car parts manufacturers in the country, expressing hope for gaining more share of the market.

“We also negotiated with several paint companies so that this polishing liquid is included in the product portfolio of paint producing companies and later enters the market through them,” Mahmoud Khorrami, the managing director of a technological company in Iran that has produced nano polishing liquid said in an interview with the local Iranian media.

“Our current production capacity is 100 kg per day, and we are currently working based on the orders we receive, but we hope that we will be able to use our full potential for production after doing the marketing,” he also said.

“One of our goals is to offer to the market the polishing liquid in 100-gram containers for small consumers(clients) whereby everyone who owns a car has a bottle of this product to easily polish the car body,” he added.

“This product is a composite material produced from water and oil emulsion along with alumina abrasive nanoparticles, which is added to the formula to create a suitable gloss for the car body. Controlling the distribution of particle size and crystal size on the nano scale and the chemical properties of the emulsion are greatly important in the final result,” he added.

“We succeeded in developing this technology and now the mass production of the product has begun. The nanoparticles used in this product are produced by an Iranian company. However, the design of the nanoparticle production process is done by the researchers in our company,” he said.

“In addition to auto manufacturers, this product can be used by refrigerator manufacturers, home appliance producers, and other professions such as car smoothing,” Khorrami said.


Source: ANA


