Hundreds of University Students Arrested and Expelled in US Over Anti-Israel Rallies

Hundreds of University Students Arrested and Expelled in US Over Anti-Israel Rallies

Hundreds of students have been arrested and face expulsion in universities across the United States as they continue to hold demonstrations demanding an end to Israel's ongoing military operations in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Iran (IMNA) – American media reports indicate that police were out in full force on college campuses on Saturday, with some using chemical irritants and Tasers to disperse the students condemning Israeli atrocities in Gaza over the past seven months.

In Boston, police detained about 100 people while clearing a protest camp at Northeastern University, with social media posts showing security forces in riot gear and officers loading tents onto the back of a truck. In Bloomington, Indiana, the Indiana University Police Department arrested 23 people as they cleared a campus protest camp. The Arizona State University Police Department also arrested 69 people for trespassing after the group set up an "unauthorized encampment" on campus and ignored repeated orders to disperse.

Moreover, at least 80 people were arrested at Washington University in St. Louis, including US presidential candidate Jill Stein and her campaign manager. Various videos have also emerged from different US states showing hundreds of students – and even faculty members – being forcefully arrested as they demanded amnesty for those disciplined or fired for protesting over the past days.

In the past 10 days, hundreds of students have been arrested, suspended, put on probation, and in some cases, expelled from colleges, including Yale University, the University of Southern California, Vanderbilt University, and the University of Minnesota.

The students are calling for universities to separate themselves from any companies that are advancing the occupying regime's war on the besieged Palestinian territory. The United States has been providing Israel with unrestrained military, intelligence, and financial support since the regime unleashed the war against the Gaza Strip in October last year.

Source: Imna

