It’s a long story, get ready…

According to Rahyafte(the missionaries and converts website):So I researched and opened the Quran again. Suddenly its energy felt so authentic to me, it was like nothing I had read before. And I fell in love with it.

Then one day after reading the Quran I had a vision. I saw as if an Angel stepped from Heaven and was revealing the Quran. Then one week later I found out that Muslims actually believe that the Quran was revealed by the Angel Gabriel. I was shocked. At this point I knew that the truth was shown to me clearly. And I couldn’t deny it any longer so I became a Muslim

I was raised and brought up as a Christian and my parents sent me to a Catholic school as a kid. When I was 14 I felt something was off about Christianity… Like I had this feeling inside my heart that something’s wrong and I couldn’t explain why I was feeling like that so I started researching and looking for the ultimate truth. I researched different religions. At one point I even became an atheist for some time because I was having a very difficult time living with parents (they were abusive) and I was suicidal and depressed. But atheism felt like it was driving me into more depression and misery so after a few weeks I decided that I won’t be an atheist. By this time I was 16 already.

Then I wanted to search about Islam because I had some Muslim friends. But I had no idea where to start and I was too shy to tell them so eventually I gave up on it. Then I read a bit from Bhagavad Gita, I didn’t like it. Then I eventually opened the Quran but I didn’t feel interested by it enough so I didn’t open it again. Then I read about Zoroastrianism and I liked it but Zoroastrianism was more of a hobby than something which I really wanted to follow. I read about Buddhism and I didn’t like that too. Funny enough, somewhere along the way, I got brainwashed by anti Muslim propaganda.

Then a Muslim friend came into my life (he’s here in this group, but I feel that he wouldn’t want to be named) and he seemed friendly enough so I asked him all the questions I had about Islam. Everything he said made sense, so I became more open to Islam.

Eventually I wanted my search for truth to end so I prayed to God for 3 consecutive nights asking Him to guide me to the truth… On the 3rd night after asking God I couldn’t sleep and I was feeling an irresistible curiosity out of nowhere. This curiosity was telling me to read the Quran.

Source: rahyafteha