The Story of Imam Mahdi’s Assistance to a New Muslim Woman

According to Rahyafte(the missionaries and converts website):Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him) is aware of the conditions of his Shia followers at all times. In this story, you will read about Imam Mahdi’s assistance to a newly converted Muslim.

An Iranian national had traveled to England for one year during the mourning period of Muharram. One day, when he was invited to the house of a friend, he was surprised to see that there was a mourning ceremony for Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) taking place there. Everyone was wearing black clothing and mourning, and there was an atmosphere of love and devotion for Imam Hussein.

Among the attendees, he noticed a young Christian couple who were actively participating in the Imam Hussein mourning ceremony with great love and devotion. It turned out that both of them had converted to Islam and were medical doctors, with the husband being a specialist in cardiology and the wife a specialist in gynecology.

He found it intriguing that in England, some people, especially two Christian doctors, had embraced Islam and were fervently participating in the mourning ceremonies of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) with utmost humility. He approached the newly converted Muslim woman and asked her why she had converted to Islam and what was the reason for such enthusiasm and love.

She replied, “It might not sound ordinary, but my heart was captivated. I fell in love with Islam, and this enthusiasm and love you see is because of the deep love in my heart. I accepted everything about this religion when I became a Muslim, especially the fact that I had complete trust in my husband, knowing that he wouldn’t embrace another religion without a good reason. I embraced prayers, fasting, and all the practices of Islam, and I had no doubts. I only had one lingering doubt, which was about the last Imam and the Savior of this holy religion. No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t digest the idea that a person could live for over a thousand years and reappear in the same youthfulness and vitality. I was wandering in doubt until the time of Hajj arrived, and we became pilgrims of the House of God.”

She continued, “When I first saw the Kaaba, I was so transformed that I had never experienced anything like it before. My whole being trembled, and tears flowed involuntarily. On the Day of Arafat, when we went to the plain of Arafat, the crowd was so immense that it seemed as if the Day of Judgment had come, and people had gathered in the field of Resurrection. Suddenly, amidst the crowd, I realized that I had lost my group, and the weather was scorching hot. I was exhausted, disoriented, and no one understood my language. From a distance, I saw tents that resembled the tents of London’s caravan, and I rushed towards them. However, when I got closer, I realized it was a mistake. I became extremely tired, didn’t know what to do, and began to cry. I said, ‘God, please help me!’

“At that very moment, I saw a handsome young man coming towards me. He pushed through the crowd and approached me. His face was so attractive and charming that I forgot all my sorrows. When he reached me, he spoke to me in clear English and said, ‘Have you lost your way? Come, and I will guide you back to your group.’ He led me a few steps, and we could already see the ‘London caravan.’ I was amazed at how quickly he had led me to my group. I thanked him profusely and asked him, ‘To whom should I convey your greetings?’ I involuntarily asked, ‘Who are you?’

“He replied, ‘Tell your husband that I send my greetings.’ I couldn’t help but ask, ‘Who are you? What love and devotion!’ He said, ‘I am the last Imam and the Savior of the end times, whom you have been wandering in doubt about. I am the one you’ve been searching for!’ Before I could regain my composure, I couldn’t find him anymore. No matter how much I searched, I couldn’t find him. It was then that I realized that I had met my beloved Imam Mahdi, and this encounter became a

certainty for me.” Since that year, on occasions like Muharram, the Day of Arafat, and the night of the middle of Sha’ban, the husband and wife passionately serve Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him) and their greatest wish is to see him again. Source: “Meeting Imam Mahdi in the Present Age” by Abulfazl Sabzi


Source: rahyafteha