The Paramount Significance of the Palestine Issue in the Islamic World

According to Rahyafte(the missionaries and converts website):The issue of Gaza is the foremost concern of humanity today. Perhaps it can be said that the primary issue in the world of Islam is the issue of Gaza. Harry the dog and the ravenous wolf have attacked the oppressed people; who is more oppressed than innocent children who tragically lost their lives in these attacks? Who is more oppressed than mothers who held their sons in their arms and witnessed their deaths with their own eyes? The usurping Zionist regime has committed such crimes today in front of the eyes of humanity, and humanity must react. May 27, 2014.

8 Reasons for the Primacy of the Palestinian Issue in the Islamic World

Palestine is the first issue among all common issues of Islamic countries. There are unique features to this issue:

First, a Muslim country has been usurped from its people, who have been gathered from various countries to create an artificial and mosaic society.

Second, this unprecedented event in history has been accompanied by massacre, crime, oppression, and continuous humiliation.

Third, the first Qiblah of Muslims and many revered religious sites located in this country have been threatened with destruction and desecration.

Fourth, this fake government and society, in the most sensitive point in the Islamic world, has played the role of a military, security, and political base for arrogant governments from the beginning until now, and the colonial axis of the West that, for various reasons, is the enemy of unity, elevation, and progress of Islamic countries, has always used it as a dagger in the heart of the Islamic Ummah.

Fifth, Zionism, which is a great moral, political, and economic danger to human society, has turned this place into a means and a stronghold for the spread of its influence and dominance in the world.

Other points can also be added to these: the heavy financial and human costs that Islamic countries have paid so far, the mental occupation of governments and Muslim nations, the suffering of millions of Palestinian refugees, many of whom still live in camps after six decades. The interruption of an important cultural center in the Islamic world and beyond. July 30, 2011.

Unanimous Opposition of All Islamic Sects and National Movements to Confront the Zionist Regime

For sixty years, the great tragedy of occupying the land of Palestine has not left the heart of the Islamic Ummah. The Palestinian tragedy, from the first day until now, has been a combination of massacre, assassination, destruction, usurpation, and continuous humiliation. The obligation to stand firm and fight against this enemy, which is warlike and invasive, has been a common issue among all Islamic sects and the focus of all sincere and national movements. Any movement in Islamic countries that neglects this religious and national duty and surrenders to the influence and power of the Zionists, whether due to unreasonable justifications or any other reasons, should not expect to be viewed as loyal to Islam or honest in their claim of patriotism. This is a criterion. Whoever does not accept the slogan of the liberation of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the salvation of the Palestinian people and the land of Palestine, and instead marginalizes it or diverts it away from the main front of resistance, is suspicious. The Islamic Ummah must consider this criterion and fundamental principle everywhere and at all times. May 18, 2013.

Confronting Israel is Among the Interests of All Independent Countries

The salvation of Palestine and the eradication of the Zionist regime are issues that concern the interests of the nations of this region, including our dear Iran. Those who, since the beginning of the Revolution, have chosen a program of confronting and opposing the influence and power of the Zionists, have done so based on calculations of national and public interests, the interests of the Islamic Republic, and theinterests of the Iranian people. This program has been chosen. In other countries as well, it is the same. All intellectuals in Islamic countries, all free-thinking politicians, all those whose hands are not tainted with the stain of arrogance’s favor, believe that confronting Israel should be done; that is, they consider it among the interests of their country.

For this fake and invasive government, the issue of Palestine is not a domestic issue; it is an international issue. What matters is that the new generation of Palestinians has grasped the truth. What truth? The truth that, if they want to overcome humiliation, degradation, and pressure imposed on them like a yoke, their path is resistance and confrontation, not sitting at the negotiation table, where the negotiators achieved nothing. September 16, 2000.

Imam Khomeini Considered Defense of the Oppressed People of Palestine a Primary Issue

Imam Khomeini never backed down from defending the oppressed for the sake of appeasing the bullies of the world. Throughout his life, he emphasized the issue of Palestine as a primary concern. Imam explicitly mentioned in his will and statements the importance of standing up for the oppressed, defending the rights of the oppressed people, defending the rights of the Palestinian nation, and all oppressed nations. This is Imam’s approach; this is Imam’s line; this is Imam’s method and recommendation. Fortunately, the Iranian people and officials have followed this approach for thirty years, and for thirty years, in any arena where you, the Iranian nation, confronted the arrogance of America, you were victorious, and your enemies were defeated and suffered losses.

These statements were made by Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, on various occasions and reflect his views on the Palestine issue and the need for Islamic unity and resistance against Israeli aggression.


Source: rahyafteha

