This is a picture of one of the families who recently became martyrs under bombardment

According to Rahyafte(the missionaries and converts website):All of them together.

Do you know why they all became martyrs together?

Read the answer from the text below, which is the words of one of the children from Gaza:

In Gaza, we have neither safety nor shelter.


These days, we only have one meal a day.

When they want to bombard;

All the family members gather together in one room. No one goes outside.

If our home is bombed, we all become martyrs together. Either we all go together, or we all stay alive together.

Someone reads the Quran.

Someone calms the children.

Someone recites supplications.

Well, the nights of bombardment are very terrifying; everywhere is dark, there is no light, yet you can’t sleep. The sound of the bombing doesn’t even allow the tiredest eyes to sleep.

On these nights, our women always wear the veil. So that they won’t be without hijab when they are rescued from under the debris.

No one knows what will happen in the next few minutes. No one knows who among their loved ones will be under the rubble in a few minutes. Please pray for us by the right of Imam Reza. 💔


Source: rahyafteha

