Unmanned Ships to Traffic in Oceans in Future

TEHRAN (ANA)- The managing director of an Iranian knowledge-based company, active in the field of Internet of Things (IoT), said that different vessels will use the IoT in the future to traffic in seas and oceans.

“Applications of the IoT in the navigation sector will become more prominent in a few years, and soon we will see unmanned ships in the sea,” Nima Baheri told ANA.

“Most of our company's activity is on satellite internet with a focus on the sea and includes various topics like providing the internet to radio communications, smartening and using the IoT in the sea,” he added.

“We have a wristband that monitors the health of the sailors at any moment, and if for any reason they have to leave the ship or the ship is sinking, it can detect when, where and in what condition the sailors are,” Baheri said.

“There are sensors which can be mounted on marine stations and they can monitor the pollution, water temperature, wave strength, wind speed, and fish traffic in the sea,” he stated.

“As a solution provider, our company offers solutions and supplies the needed software and equipment,” Baheri noted.

In a relevant development in March, Iranian researchers had also developed an intelligent system based on the IoT for monitoring fish farms.

The system is able to measure pathogenic factors in the water environment in addition to monitoring water parameters.

By using an IoT-based automation solution, it is possible to constantly monitor pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen in a fish pond.

Using the data gathered by the system can result in more optimal resource use and profit maximization, resulting in long-term analyses and informed decisions.

The system operates based on the climate in the North and South of the country for cold water and warm water fish.


Source: ANA


