CAIR Slams France’s Decision to Ban Muslim Students from Wearing Abaya

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website):Abaya is a long, flowing robe-like garment worn by many Muslim women.

CAIR also reiterated its call on the US State Department to designate France a country of particular concern.

France’s education minister announced the ban ahead of the resumption of classes in the country.

“I have decided that the abaya could no longer be worn in schools,” Education Minister Gabriel Attal said in an interview with TV channel TF1. “When you walk into a classroom, you shouldn’t be able to identify the pupils’ religion just by looking at them.”

Religious symbols like crucifixes, kippahs, and Islamic headscarves are banned in French schools.

In a statement, CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad said:

“The latest draconian, discriminatory measures imposed by the French government on Muslims must be condemned by the nations of the world. This is not only an anti-Muslim policy, but a sexist policy that singles out and targets young girls. The United Nations should investigate France for its repeated violations of the basic religious freedom, and the State Department should designate France as a country of particular concern.”

He noted that CAIR has previously called for France to be designated as a country as particular concern.

CAIR’s mission is to protect civil rights, enhance understanding of Islam, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.


Source: rahyafteha

