Iranian scientists Make Electrodialysis (ED) for Water Treatment Plants

TEHRAN (ANA)- A scientist, presiding a team working in the field of applying nanotechnology in the water industry, said that after two or three failed attempts, the team finally built an electrodialysis device that removes water-polluting ions.

“We initiated our work in a laboratory that could provide infrastructure for metal nanomaterials,” Bahare Kaviani said.

“Our strategy was to expand nanomaterials. In 2010, we started water treatment to achieve drinking water. For that, we produced a product with new methods to solve the problem of traditional methods. One of these problems is wastewater treatment and water recycling.”

The nanotechnology activist added that, “As a small knowledge-based company, we contacted water and sewage companies and told them that we could operate in the country by relying on our knowledge. Of course, that was a difficult job because implementing the pilot project and satisfying the customer comes with problems.”

Saying that "water is of crtitical importance in the country due to its direct relationship with people's health", Kaviani added, "Our project failed two or three times until fortunately, after 1.5 years of efforts, the first electrodialysis system, which is a deionization technology, was completed. This system removes polluting ions.”

"The production of nanomaterials has provided us with an infrastructure so that we can use this knowledge in other fields. These infrastructures have allowed us to use products in agriculture, fisheries, skin and hair, etc. The export of these materials is also underway," the researcher added.


Source: ANA


