Minneapolis: Muslim Community ‘On Edge’ Following Hit-and-Run Attack

According to Rahyafte(the missionaries and converts website):The recent attack left one mosque-goer injured and marks the latest in a series of aggressive acts against Minnesota Muslims, positioning the state as the nation’s hotspot for mosque attacks, as reported by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), according to the Star Tribune.

“We are on edge,” expressed Jaylani Hussein, CAIR-MN’s executive director, during a Friday news conference. “This was an attempted murder… We need for our leaders to take this seriously.”

The assault occurred on Wednesday when Osman Ahmed, affiliated with the Alhikma mosque located at 116 E. 32nd St., was struck by a van immediately after exiting his vehicle.

Captured on security footage, the van is seen veering towards Ahmed, causing him to fall to the ground.

Ahmed, who has since been discharged from HCMC after an overnight stay, recalls seeing someone at the wheel as the van approached but was unable to identify the driver.

    • The investigation led to the apprehension of James E. Suttles, 37, from Minneapolis, who now faces second-degree assault charges.

While the criminal complaint lodged against Suttles, currently detained at Hennepin County jail on $150,000 bail, does not categorize the incident as bias-motivated, Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty has not ruled out the possibility. “If through further investigation we determine that we can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that this incident was motivated by bias, we will prosecute accordingly,” Moriarty stated.

Mosque representatives have accused Suttles of four years of intimidation, including a pepper spray attack in 2021 and a hammer assault in 2022.

Imam Abdirazak Kaynan of Alhikma voiced his concerns about Suttles’ potential release and the threat it poses to the community.

“We’ve reported multiple times and tell police this guy is going to kill someone,” Kaynan warned.

Suttles, who was recently cited for trespassing, was spotted at the mosque again on May 19. This incident is one of at least 21 attacks on Minnesota mosques over the past three years.

Hussein highlighted the need for state and federal support for enhanced security measures at mosques and other non-profits vulnerable to hate crimes, a plea that has yet to be fulfilled by this year’s legislative session.

The motive behind Suttles’ targeting of the mosque remains unclear. Mosque leaders recall his initial appearance at the mosque’s inception in 2020, where he was offered assistance but soon exhibited violent behavior, resulting in multiple trespassing citations.

“The leader stated people attending the mosque were very concerned for their safety and scared of [Suttles],” reads the complaint against him.

Source: rahyafteha