UN Envoy Reaffirms Iran’s Push for Peace, Multilateralism

UN Envoy Reaffirms Iran’s Push for Peace, Multilateralism

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s UN ambassador paid tribute to the late Iranian president and foreign minister for their tireless efforts to promote peace, stability, and sustainable security in the region and beyond, restating Tehran’s policy of upholding the principles of justice and multilateralism.

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The United Nations General Assembly on May 30 paid tribute to late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian who died in a tragic helicopter crash on May 19.

The president of the UN General Assembly, the UN Secretary-General, and the representatives of different countries and groups delivered a statement to pay their respects.

Iran's UN Ambassador Saeed Iravani also delivered a speech to the event, saying, “On behalf of the Government, the people of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and my own behalf, I would like to extend our deepest gratitude to you, Mr. President, the Secretary-General, and to all present for taking this moment to pay tribute and honor the memory of the late President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, His Excellency Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, and the Late Foreign Minister, His Excellency Hossein Amirabdollahian. Their tragic passing has been a profound loss for our nation and all who knew them.”

“I would also like to thank all those who spoke this morning, especially on behalf of their own regional groups, for their kind words, and heartfelt condolences to the Government, the people of Iran, and the family of our late President and Foreign Minister,” he added.

“President Raisi, and Minister Abdollahian were visionary leaders whose presidential and ministerial terms were dedicated to promoting peace, stability, and sustainable security in our region and beyond,” Iravani noted.

“The principles of good neighborliness, mutual respect, and commitment to international law, the United Nations Charter, and multilateralism were the cornerstones of their foreign policy. Significant progress was made as a result of their vision and leadership, especially in partnerships and international engagement. President Raisi, was a dedicated leader, widely respected for his tireless efforts to foster good neighborliness, build confidence, and promote dialogue both within the region and beyond,” the ambassador said.

Describing the late Iranian president as a true architect of peace and cooperation, Iravani said, “He demonstrated an unwavering commitment to peace, stability, development and the right of all Palestinians to self-determination.”

“Under the leadership and guidance of President Raisi, the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran consistently participated in and supported all efforts aimed at preserving peace and security in the region of the Persian Gulf. Numerous bridges of brotherhood and cooperation across political, economic, and other fields have been built,” he noted.

“During his remarkable presidency, President Raisi prioritized the foreign policy of his government on fostering stronger relationships with neighboring countries and the broader region. At the same time, he placed significant emphasis on developing and enhancing ties with other parts of the world, particularly Africa and Latin America,” the envoy said.

“His numerous foreign visits, including two notable trips to New York for the high-level annual meetings of the General Assembly, where on this podium he represented views and policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran, underscored the proactive nature of his government's foreign policy agenda,” Iravani stated.

“Similarly, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian was a distinguished diplomat, highly regarded for his contributions to regional diplomacy, the principles of good neighborliness, and international cooperation. His work on the regional and international stage was characterized by a deep understanding of the complexities of international relations and a relentless pursuit of mutual respect,” he added.

“Undoubtedly, the achievements that were made during the short but brilliant term of President Raisi and Foreign Minister, Amirabdollahian will serve as a solid basis for future generations to build upon. They leave behind a profound legacy, having made major contributions to efforts across the region to establish a peaceful region founded on trust, cooperation, and friendship,” he noted.

“Their commitment to these ideals has left an indelible mark on our nation and the world. Their unwavering commitment to the principles of justice and equality inspired hope and resilience in the hearts of our people, our region, and beyond. The legacy of Martyr Raisi and Martyr Amirabdollahian will continue to inspire us to work towards a more peaceful and secure region and world,” the ambassador said.

“In this moment of grief, we also reflect on the profound impact both leaders had on our lives and our nation. They were not just figures of authority but also symbols of hope, resilience, and the enduring power of good governance and diplomacy. We remain committed to upholding the principles of peace, security, justice, and multilateralism that they tirelessly supported,” he underlined.

A helicopter carrying President Raisi and his entourage crashed in northwestern mountainous forests on May 19, killing the president, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, and six others.

Source: Tasnim News


