Iranian translator of German literature Mir-Mo’ezi to be honored

Iranian translator of German literature Mir-Mo
IBNA- Prolific Iranian translator Mahshid Mir-Mo’ezi who has rendered over 40 works from German into Persian will be honored at a cermony in Tehran today at 6 PM.
Mir-Mo’ezi has won the 2023 Friedrich-‎Gundolf-Preis awarded by the German Academy for Language and Literature as a prize ‎for German scholarship abroad.‎ She is the first Iranian who receives this prize.

The honoring ceremony is attended by noted Iranian writer Mahmoud Dolatabadi, Saeed Firouzabadi, Marivan Halabchei and Mohammad Hosseini who will make their speeches at the event.

Mir-Mo’ezi’s career as a translator launched with ‘Brechts Lai-Tu’ by Ruth Berlau in 1998. In 2002, her translation of Irvin D. Yalom’s ‘When Nietzsche Wept’ was published. In 2013, she published her translation of Pascal Mercier’s ‘Night Train to Lisbon’, for which she won the local Parvin Award.

The Friedrich-‎Gundolf-PreisEstablished in 1964, for 25 years the prize was exclusively given to linguists and literary scholars at foreign universities. However, it has also been awarded to persons outside of academia who are committed to imparting German culture and cultural dialog.

Source: IBNA

