Iranian Researchers Study Effects of Human Resource Reforms on Occupational Stress

TEHRAN (ANA)- The Iranian researchers believe that reforming human resources, self-concept, and getting to know one's inner characteristics affect the reduction of psychological pressures in the working environment and reduce stress in employees.

Iranian researchers have conducted a study which shows that occupational psychological pressure affects people's health, reduces the quality of life, and increases the probability of work-related injuries and negative effects on organizational results, like violence at work, accidents, absenteeism and burnout.

In this research, it has been stated that conducting reform on the human resources has become a fundamental and vital issue in today's knowledge-based world in private and public organizations.

Reform is a process that helps people to behave more optimally in their job responsibilities, and it is defined as the process of increasing the capacity of human resources.

In this research, it has been pointed out that while reforming the human resources, new human capacities should always be recognized so that the development of human capabilities and qualities can be done as a permanent process.

A study during the research showed that in order to reduce psychological pressures in the workplace, one should pay attention to factors like job security and professional improvement;

in another study, researchers found that reforming the human resources can reduce stress and, as a result, reduce the desire to leave the service.

The studies of this research indicate that self-concept is a set of characteristics that a person perceives as a unique being, in fact, a person sees himself/herself based on what others imagine and not based on what he/she feels.

The results of the research showed that if educational centers and universities use measures to reduce occupational psychological pressures and promote positive self-concept, individual and organizational effectiveness will increase as a result.

The findings have been published in the bimonthly magazine ‘Peyavard Salamat’ in the form of a scientific research paper entitled ‘the effect of human resource improvement on psychological occupational stress with the mediating role of self-concept in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences’ by Mehrdad Azadi (a Master of Executive Management, Management Department of Islamic Azad University’s Rafsanjan branch) and Malikeh

Beheshtifar (a Professor of Management Department of the Islamic Azad University’s Rafsanjan branch). The publication belongs to Tehran University of Medical Sciences.


Source: ANA


