Biophotonic Research Center in Iran Produces Different Laser, Optical Products

TEHRAN (ANA)- The head of Researcher Center of Laser and Biophotonics in Biotechnologies said that two and three-dimensional holograms, the design and production of an optical smart toothbrush case, and the design and patenting of an electronic optical insect killer are some of the center's achievements.

“For 15 years, I have been working in the field of laser and photonics or laser optics engineering in Isfahan universities and different research centers,” Sahrifeh Shahi, a researcher and a professor at Islamic Azad University (IAU)- Isfahan Branch told ANA.

She added that since 2018, she has been the chairwoman of the Researcher Center of Laser and Biophotonics in Biotechnologies based at the IAU-Isfahan branch (Khorasgan), which, according to ger, was ranked the first among medical science research centers in the country in 2021.

Shahi went on to say that she and her colleagues at the Biophotonics research center have produced different products and conducted several projects.

Extraoral dental suction system, designing and producing artificial lighting for indoor plants, designing and manufacturing an electronic optical insect killer, designing and manufacturing two- and three-dimensional holograms, designing and manufacturing of bleaching machine for home use, an optical smart toothbrush case, low-level laser therapy, therapeutic lasers in rehabilitation are among products and achievements of the research center, according its chairwoman.

She went on to say that she and her colleagues at the researcher center are going to expand offering laboratory services and holding workshops, carry out more innovative projects with Iran's optics industries and strengthen cooperation with students who major in optic and laser fields of studies to help them boost their skills as part of the new programs of the center.

“One of the future programs of this center will be trying to expand international communication with foreign universities to carry out joint projects and student exchange programs at higher levels of education,” she said.

In recent years, there have been various negotiations and collaborations with medical centers and clinics in holding training courses and workshops, according to the chairwoman of the research center.


Source: ANA


