By reading the Quran, everything had meaning for me

According to Rahyafte(the missionaries and converts website):By reading the Quran, everything had meaning for me. Angela, a newly converted American Muslim, shares her pre- and post-Islam experience:

I grew up like an American in a big controlled space. Maybe something many of you aren’t familiar with, but my family was very spiritual. My grandparents would always tell me about the Creator and tell me stories. I grew up listening to these stories.

When I was 10 years old, they sent all of us native American kids to a Catholic boarding school because they thought we’d become better Americans. So, I spent two years in that Catholic boarding school, and none of it had any meaning to me. The only thing I learned from two years of studying there was that I’m definitely not a Catholic!

People would ask me what my religion was, and when I said, “I really don’t know!” We have spirituality within ourselves, but I don’t have a name for it. It’s a way of life. You spend your whole life praying! Every step is an act of worship! As long as you do that, you’ve lived your life right! But I didn’t have a name for it!

So, I tried to find another religion. I studied everything. I read everything about any religion I could find.

I finally found that none of them made any sense to me. Time went on, and I eventually met a Muslim and had a conversation with him, and life was different for me. I reached the point where I said to myself that I needed to learn more about this religion. I went online and read everything. Everything made sense, and it was the same thing I had heard from my grandparents.

Once, I went to a store and found books about Islam that were amazing. I decided to read the Quran. It was a bit strange at first because it had a lot of content in it. However, I continued reading, and finally, I felt it’s incredible! This is what I’ve been doing my whole life without even realizing it! Now everything has found meaning, and I’m a Muslim!

Source: rahyafteha