Whispers of Tranquility: A Poetic Reflection on Divine Comfort”

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website):

In gardens of grace, a whisper divine,
A Hadith speaks, its truth does shine,
“O children of Adam,” a message so clear,
A path to serenity, let your hearts draw near.

Comfort and ease in Paradise await,
Yet in worldly pursuits, we hesitate,
Seeking solace where it’s never found,
While heavenly peace on earthly ground.

Let’s learn from this wisdom, let it be known,
The tranquil abode is for hearts that have grown,
In submission to God’s eternal decree,
The tranquil abode is where our souls shall be.

So turn from the fleeting, embrace the sublime,
In pursuit of the eternal, invest your time,
For the world’s allurements, a momentary charade,
True solace and rest in God’s embrace are laid.

Source: rahyafteha

