Biography of Sheikh Abbas Qomi

According to Rahyafte(the missionaries and converts website):Born in the holy province of Qom, Iran, in 1877, Sheikh Abbas Qomi left for Najaf when 22 years old and resided there for six years so as to complete his studies. At the request of Abdul-Karim Ha’eri Yazdi (the founder of the Qom Seminary), he returned to Qom and started teaching in seminaries and authoring books, the best-known of which is Mafatih-al Jinan.
‘Whatever I Have Is from My Mother’
Regarding the piety of his parents, Sheikh Abbas Qomi says, “All I have is from my mother since she always breast-fed me with ablution (Wuzu).

Humility & Breaking His Ego
As a quote by Sultan al-Wa’izin Shirazi says, “At a time when Mafatih-al Jinan was recently published, I was carrying the book in the holly cellar of Samarra while praying. That was when a cleric sitting near me told me ‘Who has authorized the book?’

Paying it great compliments, ‘It’s by Sheikh Abbas Qummi,’ I replied.

‘No need for such compliments,’ He said, ‘It’s not that good.’

‘get out of here right now!’ I growled.

A person who was sitting there cut in, ‘Observe good manners. He is the Sheikh Abbas Qomi.’

I got on my feet to do him the courtesy of apologizing. When I bent down to kiss his hand, he refused and bent down and kissed mine, saying it was because I was Sayyid (descendants of the Prophet Muhammad).”

Devoting his blessed life to Islam, Sheikh Abaas Qummi departed this life on 21 January 1941 at the age of 63. His resting place is located in the holy shrine of Imam Ali (PBUH).


Source: rahyafteha