Iran never ties foreign trade to JCPOA revival: Foreign Ministry

TEHRAN- The spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry has said that Iran is resolutely neutralizing the sanctions without tying its international commerce to the result of the negotiations to revive the 2015 nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

During a weekly news conference on Monday, Nasser Kanaani stated that Iran is still committed to diplomatic measures but won’t wait for the outcome of the JCPOA talks.

Iran is actively working to lift the sanctions, without placing its expectations on the restoration of the JCPOA or the U.S. government’s choice about Iran’s commercial connections with other nations, Kanaani pointed out.

The spokesperson added that Tehran will use all legal means at its disposal to reestablish the rights of the Iranian people.

“We managed to export our oil and maintain our position in spite of the sanctions. The cruel sanctions have undoubtedly placed limitations on Iran and its partners, but Iran proved that it won’t be restricted by sanctions,” Kanaani stressed.

He further stated that it was the U.S. side that rejected the draft accord provided by EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell on the resurrection of the JCPOA.

The spokesman emphasized that the “September document” is not a new document. Rather, he said, it is an agreement struck between Iran and the remaining signatories to the historic accord – the United Kingdom, China, France, Russia, and Germany.

“Iran won’t meddle in Iraq’s domestic matters”

Kanaani also stated that Iran will never meddle in the internal affairs of neighboring Iraq, insisting that it is the responsibility of the Baghdad administration to provide security and stability throughout the country.

He added, “Our priority is to support the security and stability of neighboring countries.”

Kanaani went on to continue, “The Iraqi government has the necessary authority and tools to restore security. Iran will help once it is requested to do so.”

Iran-Turkey ties

The Foreign Ministry spokesman also said Tehran has an unwavering position on relations with Turkey, noting that Iran aspires to achieve the desired outcomes within the scope of continuing efforts.

Concerning the issues between Syria and Turkey, as well as the process of normalization of ties between the two nations, Kanaani stated that Iran, as a third party, is attempting to normalize relations between the two.

“Naturally, the two nations have issues, but what is crucial to us is that the parties respect Syria’s geographical integrity and national sovereignty,” he added.

Source: Tehran Times


