Christianity no longer fulfilled my spiritual needs

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website): a story of a girl who embraced Islam and shares her perspective on Islamic topics in her own words:

My name is Jamila, I am of Nigerian descent, but I grew up in England, and I am thirty years old. I was raised in a Christian family and was seeking guidance. Religion seemed to me like someone telling me what to do, and for me, prayer was the only important aspect in the presence of God.

See the Persian text here

Why do I consider Islam the most complete religion?

Religion was a priority for me from the beginning, but I had reached a point where I wanted more. Christianity no longer fulfilled my spiritual needs. I was contemplating what else could bring me peace, and my sister gave me books to read. That’s how I discovered Islam at the age of nineteen.

Turning Point

What attracted me to Islam is the order and discipline in worship. The five daily prayers provide a chance to connect with your Creator. After that, I tried to learn more about the religion, and I needed that order and discipline. I simply needed order and discipline, and I believe that was the right path for me.

In Christianity, there were unacceptable beliefs like Christ being the Son of God. The first time I became a Muslim, I knew nothing about Islam. Fortunately, some sisters helped me and embraced me.

Islamic Customs and Traditions

I wasn’t ready to show my Islamic face, and I doubted whether people would accept it or not.

People think that wearing the hijab is oppressive, but as a woman, I say that my hijab is not imposed; it’s my choice.

People who know me say that I’ve undergone significant changes in terms of handling matters and dealing with people. The more I pray, the more I turn to God and try to understand how beneficial religion is.

Why Religion?

Some say that if we’re good human beings, we don’t need religion, the Quran, or Islam. I tell them that religion has many benefits for humanity. Now, whenever something happens to me, I can turn to God and pray, which makes me feel better. Sometimes, we find ourselves in situations where it seems there’s no other way, but in those moments, instead of self-pity and tears, I turn to God and pray.

Source: Hawzah News

Source: rahyafteha