Iran looking to export construction materials to Indonesia

TEHRAN – Head of Iran’s Kerman Chamber of Commerce Mahdi Tayeb-Zadeh has said the development of Indonesia is a good opportunity for the Iranian private sector to export construction materials to the country.

As reported by the portal of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA), speaking in a meeting with Indonesia’s Ambassador to Tehran Ronny Prasetyo Yuliantoro, Tayeb-Zadeh said: “The capacities of Kerman province in the production of building materials such as tiles, ceramics, building and decorative stones, steel metal structures, rebar, cement, as well as in providing technical engineering services can help in the construction of the new capital of Indonesia and the development of this country.”

“This is a good opportunity to export construction products from this province to Indonesia,” he added.

With 720 million square meters of high-quality ceramic and tile production, Kerman is the fifth province of Iran in terms of the production of such products, and since Indonesia imports ceramic and tile from Italy, considering Iran’s cheap energy and labor force it will be more beneficial to supply such products from the Islamic Republic, according to Tayeb-Zadeh.

Pointing out that no exports to Indonesia were made from Kerman province last year, the Iranian official clarified: “Dates produced in Kerman are also widely consumed in Indonesia, especially during the holy month of Ramadan, however, most of the exports are done indirectly through third countries.”

The head of the Kerman Chamber of Commerce further noted that Indonesia has zero preferential tariff agreements with many countries, and the Iranian private sector can use this opportunity to export their products to such countries, and on the other hand, Indonesia can use this advantage in Iran to export its products to countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The Indonesian ambassador for his part pointed out that the construction of the new capital of this country requires a lot of investment, saying: “In several fields, especially in the construction phase, from the infrastructure stage to the construction of a smart city and green capital, joint cooperation can be done with Kerman and Iran.”


Photo: Head of Kerman Chamber of Commerce Mahdi Tayeb-Zadeh (L) and Indonesia’s Ambassador to Tehran Ronny Prasetyo Yuliantoro

Source: Tehran Times


