Announcement of Grant’s Conversion to Islam – American Rapper

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website):Dwight Grant, a popular American rapper, has announced his conversion to Islam after a long period of silence over the past few years.

Beanie Sigel, born Dwight Grant on March 6, 1974, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, is a former member of American music groups and has collaborated with them as a rap artist.

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Grant, the American rapper, has declared his embrace of Islam, and his name is now “Sabri.”

In 2011, this American rapper joined the Nation of Islam, a movement that initially had Islam in its name. However, as he states, through study and a deeper understanding of true Islam, he became a Muslim. Similar to Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali, he disassociates himself from the Nation of Islam and becomes a practicing Muslim.

After a long period of silence, Beanie Sigel responded to his fans.

“We want to know what prompted this change?”

In response to this question, he says: “First, it was the Almighty who saved me. Then, it was my wife and children who guided me on this path, as I had to take responsibility for the duties I had neglected. Now, all members of my family are committed Muslims. Today, I am sure I am looking after my family members. I have to educate my sons to become men. This is what drove me onto this path.”

He continues: “These words come from a conscious Muslim who encourages his community members to learn and study Islam. Initially, I began by taking care of myself and my family by teaching them, showing good behavior, and doing good deeds. Today, we are Muslims of Friday and Muslims of Ramadan. We really need to study our religion. We need to read the Quran, Hadith, and interpretations to understand why these verses were revealed.”

For him, music is incompatible with the faith. One of his biggest struggles today is to distance himself from music.

“I am certain that music is ‘haram’ (forbidden).”

Regarding this, he says: “I no longer engage in music because today I am certain that music is ‘haram.’ Even before I began my studies, I knew that music was unlawful. But at that moment, I was like a child and didn’t pay attention… Music plays with your heart and negatively impacts your emotions. So, this is my struggle… I invite Muslims who love me to pray for me and ask God to remove the love of music from my heart.”

He speaks about his new way of life: “Today, I am a Muslim, and I ask ‘God’ to guide me on the right path, the path that all the Prophets were on… One thing I’m certain of; one day people will dig a pit that will be our grave. And they will bury us there, but that day will be far away. That’s why we need to wake up from our slumber and understand what is really happening… Life is not a game; it’s about serious matters…”

He comments on the current situation: “The current situation (current program) is that more and more African-Americans are turning to Islam.”

Source: rahyafteha