UNICEF provides educational, healthcare help to quake-hit Khoy

TEHRAN- The United Nations Children’s’ Fund has installed some fabricated classrooms and distributed hygiene and baby kits among people in the earthquake-affected city of Khoy in collaboration with the ministries of education and health.

On January 29, an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.9 on the Richter scale hit the city of Khoy and surrounding areas in the northwestern West Azarbaijan province, leading to the death of at least 3 people and the wounding of hundreds of others.

Four schools in Khoy, affected by the earthquake, were equipped with new educational spaces. Three of these schools are located in inaccessible villages and the fourth one is in Khoy.

UNICEF, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, facilitated the process of purchasing, delivering, installing, and equipping these prefabricated classrooms to ensure the access of earthquake-affected children to quality education.

These classes are made of thermal isolating materials and are equipped with standard educational equipment and air conditioners for all seasons.

Moreover, over 750 children studying in these schools will receive educational packages including stationery items for the new academic year.

In the next step, UNICEF plans to rehabilitate 12 schools in earthquake-affected, hard-to-reach villages in Khoy County to enhance the learning environment and opportunities for children, the UNICEF website announced in a press release on September 5.

In the aftermath, UNICEF continues to support affected children and their families in the months following the earthquake. These include supplying hygiene items and baby kits, providing financial support for the reconstruction of damaged houses, and improving sanitation facilities.

Hygiene packages

Meanwhile, families received health packages in 15 earthquake-affected villages of Khoy. UNICEF prepared and presented these packages in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Medical Education to ensure children and families access the vital support to be healthy.

Now families, especially children have the necessary items to prevent the spread of diseases and improve their overall well-being by receiving 662 baby kits, 2,093 family kits, and 100 incontinence kits.

These items were funded by the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF).

In order to ensure the effectiveness of this program, a post-distribution monitoring process has been implemented. The relevance and appropriateness of the hygiene items are evaluated considering the opinions of the beneficiaries.

UNICEF is committed to ensuring that children and families have access to safe water and hygiene products in times of adversity.

Therefore, close cooperation with the MoHME and other stakeholders will continue to provide a coordinated response to the needs of earthquake-affected households.

UNICEF’s support also includes delivering essential WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) facilities, such as prefabricated latrines and shower units, to the affected communities.

Additionally, the Ministry of Health will be equipped with water quality assurance tools, strengthening their capacity to monitor and ensure safe drinking water not only in Khoy but also in the wider Northwest region of the country, the UNICEF website announced in a press release on September 7.

These efforts demonstrate UNICEF's commitment to stand by children and families in times of crisis so that they have the support they need to rebuild their lives and look towards a brighter and healthier future.


Source: Tehran Times


